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Health4TheWorld Mobile App


Aug 2019–Present (IN PROGRESS)


There is a global shortage of physicians, nurses, and other health providers, especially in developing nations and remote areas. Existing healthcare practices could reduce disease globally by as much as 70%, if only the providers could access the necessary education.


The Non-profit Health4TheWorld aims to create a simple, lightweight app for healthcare students and providers, letting them find coursework, watch lectures, and save videos. While there is an existing H4TW Academy website, a mobile version could reach new users that rely on their mobile device for computing.


With limited research available and access to our international users, our team relied on secondary research methods and studied existing educational apps as models. We looked to the big apps such as Youtube and Facebook for UI patterns with worldwide familiarity. The team collaborated on what the primary features should be and how to prioritize them.

After sketching screen layouts and working up wireframes, we developed two wireframe-prototypes to deploy for remote testing. We planned to use the existing Health4TheWorld student network, both by distributing links to online tests and video-conferencing with classrooms to get immediate feedback. Click my prototype below:

Clickable Prototype

When presenting to students in Cameroon, our video calls failed due to poor connectivity. This indicated a critical issue with our plan, that some users lack a strong-enough connection to watch videos. As a data-economical alternative, I proposed we create a text-based version of the lectures. While this opens up the need for transcription of the video lectures, it could greatly accessible solution for the healthcare providers.


We're currently processing and presenting our findings to the stakeholders, advocating for necessary changes and further research. I'm really excited for the upcoming visual design and working with developers to get this product into real users' hands.

Stay tuned, more coming soon!